Maximize the damage your emails do by CCing extra people on your emails. Your message will spread out like buckshot from the blast of a shotgun. It is much more likely to hit your target — and then some! Remember, you are doing employees a favor by always keeping them in the noose. I mean loop.
As I mentioned before, having underlings “CC” you on every email is a great way to stay informed. But now let’s expand on how strategic it is to CC many employees on emails you send.
Leadership Vacuum Top Tip
It takes too long to meet with people one-on-one. As a general rule of thumb, I don’t. That’s why I hold round robin sidebars in meetings with several people, one at a time. It’s a private conversation with each employee, in front of other employees, back to back.
Sometimes, though, it’s not feasible to meet. The next best thing is to write an email to the applicable underling.
But wait — don’t send it yet! It is probably best if other people know what you want this underling to do. Use “The Buckshot Method of Emailing” and CC them on the email, just in case. Perforate the office with your words. You never know.
And that way, you still get the same effect as the round robin sidebars, but without having to waste everyone’s time in person. Instead, do so digitally by shooting your problems into their inbox along with the thirty other emails you send each day.
Other times, you want to say something but aren’t sure of the target audience. In that case, just send a company wide email so you can’t possibly forget anyone. It’s polite not to leave anyone out.
Leaders often have to go to great lengths to force their message on as many people as possible. Try “The Buckshot Method of Emailing” and let me know how it feels to blow away your employees.
W. Albert Jameson, IV
Be specific and intentional with your communication. True, you are much better off communicating too much than too little, but that is no excuse to be sloppy. Great leaders practice excellent communication daily, and that includes taking people aside one-on-one to get through on a personal, meaningful level.