I have a confession to make to you, dear reader…
While writing the last post about margin, and during the last couple of weeks, I have had left little to no margin for myself. I have scheduled nearly every minute of the day with activities and errands and responsibilities and projects.
And it’s been exhausting!
And here I am, doing it once again, by not resting though I am trying to get over an illness. And I am still writing this post the night before it airs.
Apparently that last post was especially for me.
May this be a reminder (to me) that actively establishing margin is quite difficult. That white space gets cluttered up pretty quickly, as does any empty shelf.
So please accept my confession. To show you I am sincere, I’m going to take my calendar hostage right now and block off some time this weekend and next week. *insert dramatic pause* Done.
That will be time to pray, to read, to nap, to take a walk, to rollerblade, to spend time with wife, and to do fun things with plenty of white space!
And to rest, of course, finding peace with the knowledge that I can’t get everything done. (Thank God it’s not important to!)
Why is it so hard to rest?!