I’ve always disliked going to the dentist. It was never a fun experience for me, nor did I respond well to it. I’ve gone to several different offices, but always had a bad first impression.
Maybe it is similar to wincing at doctors merely due to the pain you felt from shots they gave you as a child.

But the other day, I found a dentist I actually like — Lake Forest Family Dentistry. Now let me explain why.
As I’ve said before, the bar is low when it comes to customer service. Deplorably low.
Occasionally, you have a decent experience with a company. Not even outstanding; just average and meeting your expectations. And very rarely, you get an overwhelmingly pleasant experience.
What made my dental appointment so pleasant?
They made me feel like a person.
I wasn’t just a number or a set of teeth which needed cleaning. To the team members at the office, I had a name, a face, a family, and feelings. All of this can be conveyed with just a few words and sincere body language.
They affirmed the integrity of my teeth.
I’ve been self-conscious about my teeth for many years. Yet within five minutes, this dentist made me feel like a million bucks.
How? He complimented my existing fillings and said they were done remarkably well. He told me they will last another two decades because they were done so well the first time.
They took the time to listen.
The hygienists asked me about my dental history. No surprise there. Then they waited for me to respond. They even waited for me to finish speaking! This is extremely rare.
(I’m not sure why this stands out so much to me, but it probably has something to do with various experiences in Jersey…)
They took the time to explain.
I get it — dentists have to do crazy things in your mouth. But it’s wonderful to know what to expect. Well-placed phrases such as “This will hurt a bunch, but will fade quickly” and “I’ll be back in 8 minutes to make sure you are numb” go a long way.
The dentist thoroughly answered my questions. He patiently explained why I should consider changing my brushing and flossing habits. It’s amazing how little instruction (what) is necessary when there is enough purpose (why).
This wasn’t magic. It wasn’t even manipulation. My wonderful experience was the result of many small, cumulative efforts which imply every person is important.
This office knows their core values. They live them.
And as the customer, I felt them.
Any guesses where I will go next time I need a cleaning?
Share a great customer service experience you have had. What made it great?